After school, I went to Mr. Borkowski's to work. He decided to leave me alone in the shop for the first time, so he could go do some work at the gym next door. It wasn't a very busy day, so the first thing I did was go right to that closet to see if that powder was still there. Sure enough, it was! I scooped a few tablespoons into my drink bottle and shook it up, planning to drink it right after my workout later.
My workouts have been improving! Friday was arms day, and I can now curl a few reps with the 20lb dumbells! Throughout the week, I was able to raise my weight on almost all of my exercises. On top of that, I've also been working out for longer hours and am now using the school weight room during all of my gym classes and still going to the gym after school.
After my 90-minute workout, which included 30 minutes of cardio, I started walking home, sipping from my drink bottle. It was a bit thicker than I remember, so I think I put in a little bit more more than last time. When I got home, I had finished the whole thing, yet for some reason, I still felt really hungry. In fact, I was starving!
Mom hadn't planned on a big dinner, so I grabbed what I could find in the fridge and pantry. Mom made chicken breasts, and I had a side of a peanut butter sandwich, canned chilli and a tall glass of milk. I finished all of it!
After dinner I talked on the phone with Kat for a bit. She was a little upset that I wasn't hanging out much lately and seemed to be less interested in my friends. I honestly didn't realize it, but I guess I have been neglecting them a lot lately. At first, they seemed a bit weirded out by my sudden growth spurt and little muscles, but recently they've started to respect me for it. Kat especially. She said she even might want to come workout with me sometime! We made up and I told her I'd try to make more time for them. It's hard with all of my working out, but I'll make a bigger effort.
After our chat, I did some homework. Next thing I knew it was midnight and I was pretty beat, ready to sleep for a whole day if I could. I put on my pajamas and went to sleep.
I had that dream again, but somehow it felt different, a little more real. It didn't last very long, and I woke up when it was over. It was 3am and I was back in my bed, still in my own body. The only change was that my pajamas were all stretched out, hanging loosely and had little rips at the seams. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked the same, but I felt great.
I had a little late night posing session. I don't know why, but I just felt inclined to celebrate my muscles. As I flexed, I felt this amazing rush through my body. I kept flexing all over and then something happened. It started with my calves. They felt stronger than usual. I flexed them by standing on my toes and this great new sensation continued. I felt it in my forearms, then biceps, then legs and eventually my whole body. As I continued to flex, my pajamas started getting tighter. I put my hands on my quads and felt them as they grew thicker and my legs longer.
The sensation was incredible! My calves grew ever so slightly and my abs grew harder to the touch. My forearms expanded as I squeezed my fists and my biceps pumped and bulged. I put my hands on my shoulders and could feel my traps rising, growing harder and more defined. Then it stopped.
My pajamas were still hanging off me, but I had definitely grown a little bigger in the last few minutes. I posed in the mirror some more and I felt much stronger and more muscular. I went over to my wall and checked my height. I had grown 3/4" in five minutes! After my little growth session, I started to fade and went back to bed.
So here I am, convinced more than before that that drink had something to do with last weekend's sudden growth spurt. There is still plenty of powder left at the store, but there are also all those other powders. Do you guys think I should stick with a good thing and have more next week or try something new and different?
Also, should I pursue Danny now that he's the only person at my school who knows anything about my mysterious late night muscle growths? Lastly, should I tell Kat or should I just try to get her to workout with me?
I wanna know what you think!
P.S. - I'll try to post more pictures to show you my progress!