Today I wore a shirt that used to hang a little bit off my shoulders and I never wore it because it's really meant to be kinda tight. Anyways, I wore it today and I think I looked pretty good in it. The sleeves were really tight and accentuated my biceps in a really good way.
It was very brief but Danny and I passed each other between classes and he gave me a long strange look, like he wanted to look away but couldn't. I guess that's what the cute girls always complain about. I think it was kinda nice. Usually the cute girls say mean things but I was like, "Hey stranger!"
He smiled and got really shy for a moment, but then asked, "Is that a new shirt?" I know what he meant. He was totally checking out my biceps.
I winked, surprisingly with a lot of confidence. "Oh, you know, it's an old shirt, but I've really grown into it."
"I see that," He replied.
I wanted to ask him about the birthday party (I wrote about that in an earlier post for you newcomers), but all that could come out was, "We should hang out sometime."
Anyways, the conversation wasn't really interesting, but we decided to hang out on Sunday afternoon and watch a movie at my place. The whole time, he had trouble looking away from my arms. I can't wait for more of that on Sunday, especially since I plan on drinking some more of that crazy growth drink on Friday after my workout. By Sunday, I'm bound to be a little bit bigger which I'm sure he'll notice!
It's also great to know that he wasn't totally freaked out by the other night. In fact, he clearly likes my new muscles and probably enjoyed it. Sunday is gonna be a great day!